Multi-purpose butyl base
detergent provides quick
penetration and easy removal
of light to medium industrial
soils. Formulated for use at
low dilutions.Safe to use on
painted surfaces. Use in
pressure washers and
industrial scrubbers.
Formulations of this nature
should never be looked upon
as substitutes for
all-purpose cleaners, but
instead, a product designed
for heavy-duty cleaning
tasks. For example, airplane
nacelles, appliances, brick,
concrete, engines, machinery,
flues, hoods, and office
machines all can be cleaned
at one part BH-38 to two
parts water. Kitchen walls,
tile, marble, and dirty
terrazzo -- a dilution of one
part BH-38 to seven parts
water is recommended. You can
clean light fixtures,
appliances, and stainless
steel at a dilution of 1:10.